Thursday, March 15, 2012

Day 4 (Freddie Jackson)

The Trip so far has been a great experience. We have all been put into a situation with new environment, no building skills and a complete different culture. I have found it incredibly interesting, trying crazy dishes, drinking odd drinks and trying to communicate to locals despite knowing no Spanish (accept the phases "Gracias" "Hola") It has been frustrating at times due to communication barriers but we both end up laughing at each other for having such poor knowledge of each others language. I won't say what everyone else says who goes on such trips because I am sure you have got the picture it is a experience which will change how you look at the world, so I won't bore you. My favorite part of this trip will be the food and trying diverse dishes with odd names and spices, learning how to cook them and getting inspired to use them in the future where ever I go. I believe this would be a perfect team building trip for a sports teams. Having to work with strangers in the same boat, put out of your convert zone, having no communication to the world while working together to achieve the same objective. There are too many memory's and moments for me to blog in 30minutes so the jokes and memory's shared in this Mexican group will become story's, by doing this trip you will re-live these story's and you will understand why I can't put such a fantastic experience into words. Fred

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